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QA Automation with Appium

Comprehensive Walkthrough: Local Setup through AWS Device Farm

In this in-depth video series, I share a demonstration of the complete Appium test automation process. This video series provides a full overview of the entire setup, giving you valuable insights into how Appium and AWS can be scaled for organization-wide testing.

Git Repo:

You’ll see:

  • A live demo of Appium tests running on both iOS and Android locally
  • A detailed walkthrough of setting up AWS CodePipeline to automatically transfer .ipa or .apk files from Git to AWS
  • Device Farm
  • How tests are executed on multiple devices within AWS Device Farm
  • Debugging strategies, both locally and on AWS, to ensure reliable and efficient testing

This video provides a full overview of the entire setup, giving you valuable insights into how Appium and AWS can be scaled for organization-wide testing.